- Chemiluminescent Detection Kits
- Microwell Substrates for AP and HRP
- Membrane Substrates and Protein Detection Kits
- Immunohistochemistry and In Situ hybridization
- Blocking and Wash Buffers
BioProduct Agaroses

- SeaKem LE Agarose
- SeaPlaque Agarose
- SeaKem® GTG Agarose
- SeaPlaque® GTG Agarose
- NuSieve 3:1 Agarose
- NuSieve® GTG ® Agarose
- MetaPhor® Agarose
- SeaKem Gold Agarose
- SeaKem HGT, HGT(P), HE, HEEO, and ME Agaroses
- IsoGel® Agarose
- SeaPrep® Agarose
- InCert® Agarose
- I.D.NA® Agarose
Precast Gels
- LatitudeTM HT series Precast Agarose Gels
- Latitude Precast Agarose Midigels
- Latitude Midigel Chamber
- Reliant Gel System
- Glyoxal Sample Buffer
- PAGEr Gold TBE Precast Gels
- PAGEr Gold Tris-Glycine Precast Gels
- Reliant RNA Gel System
- IsoGel Agarose IEF Plates
- Reliant Gel for the BAX® Pathogen Detection Systems
Stains,Markers and Buffers
GelStar® Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
SYBR® Green Gel Stains
- DNA Ladders
- DNA and RNA markers
- Megabase DNA Standards
- ProSieve® Color Protein Markers
- ProSieve Protein Markers
- SYPRO® Red Protein Gel Stain
DNA Sequencing/Mutation Detection
- Complete Solutions for DNA Sequencing
- Long RangerTM Gel Solutions
- Long Ranger Singel TM Packs
- Sequencing Buffer
- 5X TBE Sequencing Buffer
- 10X TBE Sequencing Buffer
- Long Ranger PreMix Gel Solution
- Rapid RangerTM PreMix Gel Solution
- Long Ranger XL PreMix Gel Solution
- Gel SlickTM Solution
- Gel Temperature Monitoring Strps
- Plate Drying Racks
- Manual DNA Sequencing
- MDETM Gel Solution
- MDE Heteroduplex Kit
Specialty Products
- ß-Agarose
- ProSieve 50 Gel Solution
- GelBond® Film
- GelBond PAG Film